Easter was approaching.....another FOOD holiday for me, so I needed
a plan!
I made a couple of pies, then I needed to make a birthday cake for
my son. Oh my...all those trigger foods in the house...ON TOP OF THE EASTER CANDY! I decided to make LOTS of vegetables
along with my ham. potatoes and yams.
How did I do?....................
I ended up eating a SMALL slice of ham, along with asparagus, turnip
and green beans. Instead of rolls and butter, I had a slice of Weight Watcher Rye bread with a couple of sprays of "I Can't
Believe It's Not Butter". Had a half a glass of White Wine, and 32 oz. of water and 1/4 of a yam....(which I ended
up only eating half of!) For dessert I had fresh strawberries and low-fat Cool Whip with another 32 oz. of water.
All in all not a bad meal points wise.
BUT...there were still those
pies, the cake and that damn Easter candy out there to tempt me.
I decided right then and there to make it go away!
I packaged everything up, gave some to my son to take home, and
made my husband take the rest to work on Monday.
....WHEW...made it through another holiday, and I stayed on plan!
If I can do this...anyone can do it!
This is not a diet, it is a lifestyle...even when I am not
"counting" points....my brain is still counting points. Rarely do I go over, and I have maintained or lost weight almost
Every Single Week.
IF it's worth it, have